One of the most useful tools I have found whilst wearing braces has been the interdental brush.  You will probably end up with a drawer full of them in every available size and I promise you, these really will become one of your must have items whilst wearing braces.

Interdental brushes allow you to clean under and around the arch wires, around the brackets, between your teeth, under hooks and under and around any attached appliances such as expanders. They are incredibly useful for getting to all those hard to reach places and have been so invaluable on numerous occasions.  They come in different sizes and are colour coded so you know which size to get and throughout your orthodontic journey you will find yourself using pretty much every available one.  I always carry one in my pocket as it also serves as an emergency toothbrush and have found this incredibly useful on so many occasions.

One other use that you may find for them is as a measuring tool for seeing how your gaps are closing.  When I first had braces, I could comfortably poke a 0.7mm brush through some of the gaps but as the elastics start to work, you will find yourself using smaller brushes which is a great indication that something is happening and your teeth are moving.

They cost around £3 to £4 per packet although retailers often have 3 for 2 offers which brings the cost down a bit.  If you are getting braces, get some interdental brushes!

For information about how to use an interdental brush, click here