About ukadultbraces
ukadultbraces is a blog about adult orthodontics. It is for people who are thinking about and undergoing orthodontic treatment. The site attracts around 70K visits per year and is one of the most read patient oriented blogs on adult orthodontics in the UK.
About me
I started this blog in 2016 frustrated by the lack of in-depth information about adult orthodontics in the UK. My own orthodontic treatment started in May 2013 and many of the posts reflect my experiences of wearing braces as an adult.
In February 2017, I was delighted to receive an invitation to become a founder member of the British Orthodontic Society Patient Panel and have worked with the Society on a number of patient focussed campaigns including the successful retention campaign, #holdthatsmile, launched during the British Orthodontic Confernece in 2017.
I now work with the orthodontic practices across the U.K. helping with their marketing and patient engagement activities.

How can you help?
There are many ways you can help this blog to grow, please get in touch if you would like to work with me.
Write an article for the site
I am always looking for new and interesting content and if you would like to write an article about your experiences with braces, working as a member of an orthodontic team or anything else that may be of interest to adults considering or undergoing orthodontic treatment then please get in touch. You will get a full mention (unless you do not want this) and a link will be provided to your own site.
Promote the site
If you would like to support what I am hoping to achieve with this resource, please consider promoting the site to your patients and colleagues and in doing so, we can all raise awareness of the benefits, limitations and scope of adult orthodontics.
Create some opportunities for me
It has been really interesting learning about this fascinating topic and I would like to extend my knowledge of orthodontics. If you would like to invite me to an event, or provide me with an opportunity to learn some more about this topic, I would be delighted to hear from you.
Thank you to the following
I am very grateful to all those who have helped me to learn more about adult orthodontics and to develop this site. I’m also hugely grateful to everyone who supports this blog and who has written posts for me.
Helping you to grow your practice
Over the years of writing this blog and engaging with my readers, I have learned much about the patient experience and what motivates people to start treatment. If you would like me to help you with your marketing or patient engagement activities, I would be delighted to hear from you.
I can help you with patient engagement, social media marketing, content creation, working with micro-influencers and bloggers and practice development.