Wikipedia defines rocket leaves as an edible annual plant.  But for those of us with braces, we would probably redefine this humble salad as a plant that becomes impossibly entwined in our braces.  I don’t know what it is with Rocket leaves but they are so incredibly difficult to eat.  It doesn’t matter if they are added to a salad, presented wilted on a plate or added to a pizza topping, they always seem to become firmly attached to your braces.  It is as if these leaves have an inbuilt desire to wrap around something and a set of arch wires presents the perfect framework for this to happen.  And to make matters worse, it can’t be removed easily or discreetly, it takes a trip to a bathroom to see the extent of the embarrassment and some considerable effort to untangle them.

My advice to you would be to check your braces after eating rocket leaves!