I started writing my blog a few years ago when I was having treatment as an adult patient. It quickly grew in popularity and now I have readers from around the world interested in learning about orthodontics and the experience of having braces as an adult.
Through writing this blog, I have had the opportunity to engage with many patients and clinicians and in doing so, have gained a unique insight into the patient experience and what patients are looking for when considering undertaking treatment.
I have spent time talking to many adult patients and a number of common themes started to emerge which indicated what patients were looking for when finding an orthodontic practice for treatment and what experience they were expecting once underway.
I shared a number of these insights with orthodontists and feedback from them confirmed what I expected, some simple changes to how you engage with patients resulted in greater patient advocacy and improved results from their marketing.
With this knowledge, we decided to start an orthodontic patient engagement company helping orthodontic practices to better engage with patients. Our company is called Hillyard MacDonald and in the short time since we have launched have had the privilege to work with private and mixed orthodontic practices, a dental lab specialising in orthodontics, a post-graduate dental teaching hospital and the British Orthodontic Society where we manage their social media and digital marketing.
We are exhibiting at the British Orthodontic Conference in Glasgow in September and would love to meet you to chat about how we can help you to develop your own practice.