Vitis Retainer cleaning tablets

Vitis Retainer cleaning tablets

I have been using Retainer Brite to clean my retainers since getting them. During a recent trip to London, I found these new tablets so thought I would give them a try. They look and work in a similar way to Retainer Brite, you put your retainers in some warm water...

ASA ruling on AcceleDent advertising

AcceleDent is a device marketed to orthodontic patients to help speed up treatment and to reduce discomfort. It consists of a mouthpiece which you gently bite into and micro vibrations from the device help to increase ‘cellular activity’ necessary for bone...

Dental Monitoring

A tweet from an orthodontic practice caught my attention this morning. It referred to a new way to remotely monitor orthodontic aligner treatment by taking a photo of your teeth with a smartphone which is then analysed by software which detects tooth movement. The...